by The Associated Press May 27, 2016 Some young voters are taking a serious look at Trump as the primary season rolls on. Brendan De Regla drove three hours and waited in line for half a day to see Donald Trump speak at a rally in Southern California. Dozens of college-aged protesters shouted on the … [Read More...]
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Here’s Why a Surprising Number of Millennials Are Supporting Donald Trump
By meladmin
by The Associated Press May 27, 2016 Some young voters are taking a serious look at Trump as the primary season rolls on. Brendan De Regla … [Read More...]

I’m a Millennial Working Mom. Ivanka Trump Spoke for Me
By meladmin
Ivanka Trump gave a truly impressive speech at the Republican National Convention. She came across as competent, credible, sensible and … [Read More...]

How to Retain Millennial Employees Through Workplace Equity
image credit: Shutterstock AUGUST 14, 2015 There is one issue from which no business–regardless of size, type or location–is immune: employee turnover. Retaining top talent is a challenge, and this challenge … [Read More...]

Millennials: Not So Cheap, After All
image: AJ Reynolds/AP For a while, young people were taking public transit and using car-sharing apps instead of buying cars. But now they're heading to the dealership, just like their parents. DEREK THOMPSON … [Read More...]

March of the Millennials
As young people flood into the city, the only constant is change They belong to the ill-defined cohort known variously as millennials, echo boomers or Generation Y. Their ages range from 24 to 34, or perhaps … [Read More...]